Balkan biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales -

 patterns and mechanisms driving vascular plant diversity


Dracocephalum ruyschiana has been categorized as extinct from Serbia with the only report from the vicinity of Vlasina Lake that was never confirmed. However, during extensive field research in near past, the species was discovered in the Pešter plateau (SW Serbia) on both sides of the border between Serbia and Montenegro. The population is estimated to be extremely small, consisting of about 200 flowering specimens, and threatened by the increase of shrub and forest vegetation and the planned highway that will pass through this place. Using different molecular analyses on the material that will be gathered from the closest European populations as well as those situated in northern Europe, we aim to unreveal how has this relic species from tundra-steppe and steppe vegetation came to SW Serbia, was it during the glacial-integlacial periods or much later? Was it from the Nordic tundra-steppe or from the eastern steppes?