Balkan biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales -

 patterns and mechanisms driving vascular plant diversity


Endemics and relics are the most important component of biodiversity in any area. As endemics in this project we will consider those plants whose distribution is limited to Balkans Peninsula, including: a) Balkan endemics, which are restricted to the entire territory of the Balkans Peninsula; b) national endemics, which are restricted to the territory of the separate states, and c) narrow endemics, which are restricted to very small areas, such as a single mountain range, a single UTM square unit, etc. As relics in this project, we will consider those plants whose isolated populations have survived the climatic changes that have occurred in this part of Europe and the Mediterranean from the Tertiary to the present day. Depending on the geological period correlated with different climatic conditions in this project, we will study glacial (Arctic-Alpine), boreal (Boreo-montane) and xerothermic (steppe) relics.