Balkan biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales -

 patterns and mechanisms driving vascular plant diversity


The wild relatives of the cultivated plants native to Europe are the important part of the native biodiversity. They are an indispensable source of useful properties not found in cultivated species. Plants with promising properties in terms of tolerance to environmental stress factors could be tested as novel crops and to improve existing ones, in order to address ongoing global changes such as extreme heat events, water scarcity, salinization and adaptation to nutrient-poor soils, and to ensure sustainable agricultural policies. Since knowledge of crop origin is important to prevent genetic erosion and loss of germplasm through loss of ecotypes and landraces, one of the objectives of the proposed project is to shed light on the distribution, ecology or genetic structure of wild relatives of cultivated plants recognized as native forage grass crops (Poaceae), native ornamental plants (Campanulaceae, Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Orchideaceae) and native medicinal plants (Lamiacaeae). 

Medicago sativa

Cynosurus echinatus